Services Distributing Information about Security vulnerabilities.

Distributing Information about Security vulnerabilities.

We discuss research issues and models for vulnerabilities and threats in distributed computing systems We present four diverse approaches to reducing system vulnerabilities and threats They are: using fault tolerance and reliability principles for security, enhancing role-based access control with trust ratings, protecting privacy during data dissemination and collaboration, and applying fraud countermeasures for reducing threats.


October 14, 2019 CLAW – Crisis Management Exercise with CERT team

CLAW – Crisis Management Exercise with CERT team

Crisis management is a process in which an organization deals with a devastating and unexpected…

July 8, 2019

CLAW – top table exercise

A crisis in an organization is a period of instability, a situation when major changes…

Cyber-attacks are a problem for everyone

Cyber-attacks are a problem for everyone

Nowadays, the most criminal framework is information technology, a large percentage of crime is cyber-attacks.…


Analizing and Prevention DDOS Attacks using Overlay Network

Topic: Creation a system for fighting against DDOS attacks using existing governmental network infrastructure of…

7-th International Conference RoEduNet 2008

MD-CERT Services for Scientific and Research Communities of Moldova 7-th International Conference RoEduNet 2008 in…

ITSEC 2007

Analysis and prevention of computer accidents in the RENAM network Petru Bogatencov1, Alexandr Golubev1, Alexei…